
时间:2024-03-05 12:09:10 作者:admin

凤凰古城导游词100字 第1篇

Ladies and gentlemen:

Everybody is good! Welcome to the ancient city of phoenix. Where you are now, Mr Is famous New Zealand writer Louis rewi alley praised as one of the two most beautiful town in China's hunan phoenix ancient city. Here with scenic xiangxi fierce hole, guizhou fanjing mountains near the river, is produced in huaihua, jishou and tongren of guizhou _point, is a famous writer shen congwen's hometown.

Phoenix, beautiful scenery, many places of interests, have always been people visit the resort, since ancient times has welcomed dongling hui, south China jade green, longtan fish back fire, yamadera, qifeng, diameter and without creek bridge night month firewood song back to tao and Vatican pavilion and so on eight big scene.

In the city, the ancient towers, ancient Ming and qing dynasty courtyard and slab side street style is still is still the same; Outside the city, south of huashan national forest park, built in the tang dynasty is still well preserved ancient city of yellow silk bridge, the underground palace of art and magic of pneumatic rock beam hole, spectacular sharp falls, more mysterious as not gorge, three general door rock and picturesque tuen food the mountains, phoenix mountain, elephant trunk hill, star ferry, la leshan in waved to you, _border town_, _hunan female rustling_, _xiangxi however remember_, _the yongsan however_, _blood drum_, _SuYu generals_ and so on more than 10 TV dramas have taken here.

Phoenix not only beautiful, and the talents. Zhejiang company commanders those states town, guizhou prefect Tian Xingshu such as a national hero and the first prime minister of the republic of China Xiong Xiling, the famous writer shen congwen and famous painter huang yongyu, phoenix.

凤凰古城导游词100字 第2篇



走在盘山路上,两边峰峰石石。高低参差,其千姿百态鬼斧神工。而此时最吸引人注意的恐怕莫过于山脚下的泉水了。水声淙淙,清脆悦耳,水质清澈,甘甜清冽, 山水相映,更衬托出凤凰山的媚人风光。





走出八只手,继续前行,不远处就是娘娘庙了,娘娘庙中供奉着送子娘娘、 眼光娘娘。送子娘娘身上爬满了顽皮的小孩子,让人一看便知这送子的含意。殿内泥塑雕刻都栩栩如生,维妙维肖。远处有一个大型网,从那里不时传来各种鸟的叫声请大家猜一下那是个什么地方有哪些名贵的鸟类?




凤凰古城导游词100字 第3篇



















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凤凰古城导游词100字 第7篇












凤凰古城导游词100字 第8篇

This was New Zealand writer Louis rewi alley as one of the most beautiful city of China _the ancient city of phoenix_ built in the qing emperor kangxi, the _xiangxi pearl_ is worthy of the name _small_, small to only one decent thing street in the city, yet it is a green corridor.

The ancient city of phoenix is divided into two, old and new city, old city mountain, QingJian through the city of tuojiang river built of red sandstone walls stood on the shore, south of huashan lining the ancient towers, tower or clear

The years, rusty iron gate, also could see the terrible. Beicheng door wide across a narrow bridge on the river, with stone as the pier, the two are opposite side, this was the only way out of town.

Setting sun west bottom, bridge aggre ors side a lot of laundry, the woman is a mallet sound fills with water ripples. Urchin to take off a tree and play in the water, the body also has a girl in the shallows enjoy running water gently caress. The shore more students with many sketches, also added a scenery for town.

The ancient city of phoenix is the most famous, rich rich charm tujia diaojiao building blocks of antique, but river diaojiao building has gone mostly, only in the longtan there still left more than 10, not only between thin foot timber stand in the river alone, lift a heavy history.

Shen cong-wen's former residence is located in the ancient city of slabs which camp street in deep alley, a total of two into sta, quite like the small courtyard house in Beijing, the former residence is brick joisted, park white walls, wooden division beautiful window. After the wind and rain bridge, east side door, the road is hurrying to carry a load of the villagers, house, carry a load of villagers and umbrella, forming a contrast of the picture.

Like shen congwen fairy to already, the ancient city of phoenix is not a complete ink painters picture scroll, but you still can come from a local feel the charm of her in a flash. The ancient city of phoenix is also suitable for one or two people in a light rain weather in the old town street, alley, riverside walk slowly, carefully to taste it once had in the past.

凤凰古城导游词100字 第9篇


“ 为了您,这座古城已经等了千年! ”为了千年等一回,我们将要去凤凰,寻找那活了千年的生命,和死去千年的标本。凤凰地处湘西这个边陲小镇。始建于明朝嘉靖年间。自古以来就是一个兵城,也是一个商城。走进凤凰,每一扇窗户上都有一扇顾盼流芳的眼睛,每一块石板上都有情侣的倩影。每一条小河边都有苗家姑娘洗衣棒锤在石板上带着节奏的混响,还有那婉转悠扬的歌声。






凤凰古城导游词100字 第10篇









凤凰古城导游词100字 第11篇








凤凰古城导游词100字 第12篇








凤凰古城导游词100字 第13篇

凤凰古城国家历史文化名城,曾被新西兰著名作家路易艾黎称赞为中国最美丽的小城之一。这里与吉首的德夯苗寨,永顺的猛洞河,贵州的梵净山相毗邻,是怀化、吉首、贵州铜仁三地之间的必经之路。 209国道和湘黔省道从县境穿过,铜仁大兴机场距县城仅27公里,交通便利.凤凰风景秀丽,历史悠久,名胜古迹甚多。城内,古代城楼、明清古院风采依然,古老朴实的沱江静静地流淌,城外有南华山国家森林公园,城下艺术宫殿奇梁洞,建于唐代的黄丝桥古城,举世瞩目的南方长城 这里不仅风景优美,且地杰人灵,名贤辈出。



凤凰古城导游词100字 第14篇

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Fenghuang ancient city. For you, this ancientcity has been waiting for thousands of years. Phoenix has beautiful scenery,long history and many places of interest. Inside the city, the elegant demeanorof ancient city buildings and Ming and Qing ancient courtyards remains. Theancient and simple Tuojiang River flows quietly. Outside the city, there areNanhua Mountain National Forest Park, Qiliang cave, an art palace under thecity, huangsiqiao ancient city built in the Tang Dynasty, and the world-famoussouthern Great wall So the beauty of the Phoenix is in Song Zuying's songs,Huang Yongyu's paintings and Shen Congwen's books. Next, please follow oursister into the Phoenix and learn about the Phoenix

[former residence of Shen Congwen] Shen Congwen, formerly known as Shenyuehuan, is a famous writer, historian and cultural relic expert in China. Hisliterary works have been translated by dozens of countries, such as Britain, theUnited States, Japan, France, Switzerland and so on, such as _border town_,_Research on ancient Chinese clothing_ and so on. Known as the father of theworld's local literature.

He is not only the pride of the Chinese nation, but also the pride of thePhoenix people. His works of more than 5 million words in his life are theliterary treasures of the world, and also leave valuable historical documentsfor future generations to study China and Xiangxi.

In 1866, it is a timber structure quadrangle building, covering an area of600 square meters. It is divided into two buildings with 10 rooms in total. was born here on December 28, 20__, and spent his childhood and youth 1988, Mr. Shen died of illness in Beijing, and his ashes were buried at thefoot of Tingtao mountain in Fenghuang County. In the same year, his formerresidence was overhauled and opened to tourists. Now it is listed as aprovincial cultural relic protection unit.

[boating on Tuojiang River] Tuojiang River is the mother river of Fenghuangancient city. It flows slowly according to the city wall and feeds the childrenof the ancient city for generations. Sitting on the boat, listening to theboatman's song and looking at the Tujia Diaojiaolou, which has a history of 100years on both sides of the Strait, has a special charm. Down the river, acrossHongqiao, a picture of Jiangnan Water Village is displayed: Longevity Palace,Wanming tower, duocui tower A feeling of being far away from the world.

The most beautiful phoenix is the simple and elegant stilted building. Thegray stilted building of the same color, depending on the current of TuojiangRiver, develops with the trend. There are rows of pavilions attached to bothsides of the Tuojiang River, with grey tiles and light walls, carved windowsills and ancient lotus lamps. There is no stinginess and obstruction of thecourtyard. Wall to wall, eaves to eaves, family style inn shop is neitherexaggerated nor vulgar. The shops in the street look at each other as if theywere walking in a picture of a thousand years of history.

Living in the Diaojiao building, the most enjoyable thing is that at dusk,leaning on the wooden railings of the balcony, you can see the river and thereare boaters rowing the waves of the river. The boatman at the helm, dressed inXiangxi's national costumes, a bamboo hat and a bamboo pole, set off theimplicit and simple beauty of Jiangnan Water Town. Can't help singing: _Meiwawant to cross the river, is that to push me?_ the people who swim in the river,drinking the river breeze, laughing ten li. The folk song that the boatman comeswith is to push the tourists' interest to a higher level. Many tourists evensing folk songs in concert.

_Lang passed by the door, my sister was sitting at home, I made a bowl offragrant tea, and I gave him a drink, yo!_ although there was no brocade andsatin sentence, it was also popular and natural. [Xiong Xiling's formerresidence] accompanied by folk songs, we came to Xiong Xiling's formerresidence. On June 25, 1869 (lunar calendar), Xiong Xiling was born here andspent his childhood here. He was born intelligent, known as _Hunan prodigy_,15-year-old scholar, 22-year-old winner, 25-year-old Jinshi, after the pointHanlin. In 1920x, he was elected as the first democratically elected PrimeMinister of the Republic of China. Because he opposed Yuan Shikai's restorationof the monarchy, he was soon forced to resign.

In his later years, Xiong devoted himself to charity and education, andfounded the famous Xiangshan children's home in 1920__. On December 25, 1937,the man of the moment died in Hong Kong at the age of 68. At that time, thenational government held a state funeral ceremony for him.

[great wall of the South]

Most of the great wall of southern China is located in Xiangxi Tujia andMiao Autonomous Prefecture of Hunan Province. The South Great Wall was firstbuilt in the 33rd year of Jiajing in Ming Dynasty, which lasted for more than 60years. It starts from tingziguan at the junction of Tongren City in GuizhouProvince in the South and ends at the magpie camp in Jishou City in WesternHunan Province in the north. It is known as the _miaojiang Wanli wall_, with atotal length of 382 Li. It is one of the largest ancient buildings in Chinesehistory.

The main purpose of the construction of the South Great Wall is to preventthe Miao people from uprising. Therefore, there are barracks, border and sentryposts every three or five miles of the city wall. The construction of the SouthGreat wall separates the South and north of the Miao border in Western Hunan,and the _living world_ with the north as _foreigners_ stipulates that _the Miaopeople do not leave the country, and the Han people do not enter the cave_,which prohibits the commercial trade and cultural exchanges between the Miao andthe Han people.

The ruins of the South Great Wall tell us the vicissitudes of hundreds ofyears of wind and rain, the desolation of the first tomb, and the promise whenwe stick to it, as if it took us into an old dream According to the localpeople, _the South Great Wall is built along the mountain and by water withlocal materials. If there are stones, they will be built with stones. If thereare no stones, they will be rammed with loess. Although the South Great Wall isnot so tall, it does not lack everything that a military defense project of thenature of the Great Wall should have, and its military buildings, such as sentryposts, fortress gates and so on . It's more dense than the Great Wall in thenorth. _ Today's remains of the South Great Wall shocked us.

The great wall of the south is a real historical and cultural heritage. Itshows the characteristics of a dynasty, integrates the political, economic,military and cultural phenomena of that dynasty, and constructs the spiritualessence of the governing method of that dynasty. It is a fresh historicalmaterial to study the conquest and rule of the remote minority nationalities inMing and Qing Dynasties. Now the war has become a thing of the past, thebattlefield of that year has now become a tourist attraction, and history hasbecome a thing of the past. The great wall of the South will once again arousepeople's infinite memories and admiration for history.

[Qiliang cave] Qiliang cave is located four kilometers to the north of thecounty. It is a typical carbonate cave. It is famous for its fourcharacteristics: strange, beautiful, broad and quiet. With a length of more than6000 meters, the cave is divided into five scenic spots: ancient battlefield,gallery, paradise, Dragon Palace and Yinyang river. There are mountains in thecave, there are caves in the mountain, and the caves are connected. It is acollection of wonderful rocks, flowing springs and waterfalls in one cave. It iscomposed of a variety of stalagmites, pillars and stalactites.

A small stream passes through the hole, the water flow is gentle, the lighthits on the rock wall, the folds reflect in the water, like a dream.

The cave is decorated with colorful neon lights on stalagmites, stonecurtains and stone flowers, creating a world of flowing light. There is a hallin the cave, which is said to be a gathering place for the Miao people. A stonewith a small hole stands in the hall, whistling at the small hole. The wholehall will reverberate with a low trumpet sound. The Miao people used this way tosend orders.

[huangsiqiao ancient city] huangsiqiao ancient city is located 24kilometers to the west of the county. It was called Weiyang city in ancienttimes. It was built in the second year of Tang Dynasty (686 AD) and has ahistory of more than 1300 years. In 1720__, the imperial court set up FenghuangZhili hall and yuanyongjing bingbei road to appease and suppress the ethnicminorities. In 1794, the largest Miao uprising in history broke out call this uprising a war in the Qing Dynasty, and from then on, theQing Dynasty began to fall. Huangsiqiao ancient city is a part of the Great Wallin the south, which is the front of the Miao and Han Dynasties.

The perimeter of the city wall is 686 meters, 153 meters from east to west,190 meters from north to south, with a total area of 29070 square meters. Theheight of the city wall is meters, and the thickness is meters. Thewidth of the walkway on the city wall is meters. There are 300 arrowbuttresses and three gates in the East, West and North. In October 1983,huangsiqiao ancient city was listed as a provincial key cultural relicsprotection unit. ending:

A green mountain embraces the ancient city, a bay of tuoshui flows aroundthe city, a red stone street, a row of small stilts, a wind and rain ancientGreat Wall, a vicissitudes ancient castle, a mysterious Qiliang cave, and agroup of world-famous people

When you travel to Phoenix City, you can see the beautiful shadow ofTuojiang River. The fragrance of glutinous rice wine overflows in the cup, andthe folk songs of Miao village are long.

凤凰古城导游词100字 第15篇



凤凰古城——国家历史文化名城,曾被新西兰著名作家路易艾黎称赞为中国最美丽的小城之一。这里与吉首的德夯苗寨,永顺的猛洞河,贵州的梵净山相毗邻,是怀化、吉首、贵州铜仁三地之间的必经之路。 209国道和湘黔省道从县境穿*过,铜仁大兴机场距县城仅27公里,交通便利。凤凰风景秀丽,历史悠久,名胜古迹甚多。城内,古代城楼、明清古院风采依然,古老朴实的沱江静静地流淌,城外有南华山国家森林公园,城下艺术宫殿奇梁洞,建于唐代的黄丝桥古城,举世瞩目的南方长城 ……这里不仅风景优美,且地杰人灵,名贤辈出。






杨家祠堂始建于道光16年(1836年),木结构四合院,上下两层,占地770 平方米,由大门、戏台、过厅、廊房、正厅组成,呈长方形。戏台为单檐歇山顶,檐下饰如意斗拱,高16米,四根台柱雕龙刻凤,戏台为穿斗式,正殿为抬梁式,整个建筑做工精细,极富民族特色,属县重点文物保护单位。


凤凰古城导游词100字 第16篇

Phoenix ancient city — — national historical cultural well-known city, have been easy Ai Li by New Zealander famous writer road praise for the one of Chinese most beautiful little city. ram sprout village here with the virtue of lucky head, obey forever the Buddhist net mountain of fierce hole river and Guizhou appearance neighbor, is bosom melt , lucky head and Guizhou copper benevolent 3 land between will go through road. 209 national highwaies with Xiang Qian save road wear fork from county boundary pass , copper benevolent big mood airport distance county only 27 kilometers, traffic convenient. phoenix scenery beautiful, history long, scenic spots and historical sites a lot. city , ancient gate tower , settle ancient courtyard elegant appearance tomorrow still, ancient simple Tuo river quiet flow quietly shed , suburban have south China mountain national forest park and city take off artistic palace odd beam hole, build in Tang the bridge ancient city of yellowish filament of generation, attract worldwide attention south the Great Wall … … here not only scenery graceful, just land outstanding person spirit, name able come forth in large numbers.

beautiful little city phoenix mountain city, locate in Tuo river side, crowd mountain surround , (mountain)pass male odd. the river water of dark green take off from ancient city wall curved pass , fold green south China the foot of a mountain fall reflect river heart. river in the several point of fishing vessel, mountain between dusk drum morning clock cry simultaneously, steep cliff on hang foot building light smoke curling upwards, pier side wash yarn aunt laughter Lang Lang, … … ! phoenix sting just like _ a pair of thick ink is you shallow Cai Chinese landscape painting _. is Chang Yang ancient city build with stone rock board street , the ancient building of both sides hold physical features each, row upon row, pavilion building cabinet overlapping, flutter as huge dragon, seem Ao fish spread the wings . drizzle sound in, seem biography knock into the ox-hide spiked shoes of fragrant person attack street surface, send out _ _ sound, make one produce the sense that separates lifetime . Shen Cong Wen former residence locate in south in battalion street, is the south 4 of a typical case join ancient courtyard. ancient courtyard center have little courtyard, spread with red stone square slabstone. courtyard four weeks is the ancient house of brick timber structure, straight house 3, wing-room 4, remain 10 between. house short, though draw phoenix without vulture dragon, but look small and exquisite novel, antique. have especially the wooden window of carving Xiang west characteristic, especially eye-catching.

Phoenix is of December 28,1902 , Shen Cong Wen is born in here . he childhood is in here pass . former residence last of more than 100 years, is Shen Cong Wen grandfather Shen Hong buy on rich hand . develop because of history, few by is easy God, for show for Shen Cong Wen the respectful feelings of old person, study him study frequently from Li, hard pen plough , for the outstanding contribution of national literature cause self study spirit, encourage future generations. 1988 years county people's government decide buy return this house, renovate again. take pattern go to capital send Shen Cong writing approve . Shen Cong Wen take ill reception, put forward opinion for pattern, say : _ house is meshed , repair , is also good , but to put up , repair , do not spend many money, it is poor that hometown is returned , to economize as far as possible _. endure renovate , make this die ancient courtyard reappear look. hang on current door have _ Shen Cong Wen former residence _ horizontal inscribed board. right a room, is Shen Cong Wen the photograph of life story, 2 rooms is Shen Cong document draft original, left wing-room display various editions from writing works. straight house central scroll hang the sketch portrait of Shen Cong Wen. left room is bedroom, is Shen Cong Wen is born place. right room display the desk etc. thing of marble top of a table.

Bear hopes that age former residence locates in a phoenix ancient little alley in city north writing star street in the past eastern 200 of former residence metre is beautiful Tuo river. former residence is for quadrangle the wooden tile structure of south ancient type, compare short but the very fine extant house of former residence 4 is maintenance basically original look, have sprout clan sentiment very much, is county key historical relic protection unit. the Republic of china 6 years( 1917) summer autumn during capital saliva a tape flood serious, he take the responsibility Du do flood river work matters concerning reconstruction, uphold raise money , relief victims. the Republic of china 7 years( 1918), get government agree , will fragrant mountain quiet suitable garden alter build is Ci young courtyard, adopt education is hit by a natural calamity waif child. he handle all courtyard affir, 20 years for more than. he have a poetry write road: the tree hand of ten thousands of peach blossom from fall , disease in just as come for seeing flower. child month and coloured all length, pick up coloured smile.

Poplar the domestic beginning of ancestral hall build in road smooth 16 years( 1836 years) the about two floor and quadrangle of timber structure, cover an area of 770 square metres, from front door, stage and error hall, corridor room and the composition of main hall, submit rectangle. stage rest for single eaves summit, act as satisfactory cup arch under eaves, 16 high metres, 4 column vultures dragon carve phoenix, stage fight type for wearing, main hall is lift beam type, entire building workmanship meticulous, very rich national characteristic, belong to county key historical relic protection unit. poplar domestic ancestral hall repose in the ancient side of city wall of county northeast. crown prince insure , fruit brave marquis and town rod total soldier poplar less virtue contribute money construct in settle road smooth 16 years( 1836 years ). ancestral hall from front door, stage and error pavilion, corridor room, main hall and wing-room composition, is the quadrangle building of typical case, cover an area of 770 square metres. stage rest for single eaves summit, wear cup type structure, 16 high metres and surface 7 rich metres, enter 8 deep metres; eaves push , column vulture dragon as jade cup carve phoenix. main hall construct for lifting beam type, gable push for cat the back, divide into a Ming Er An 3. both sides match have wing-room. poplar the domestic design of ancestral hall exquisite, work meticulous. window, door and eaves decorations Mi hollow-out carving, overall building have bright national characteristic and very high building artistic value.

Chinese south the Great Wall locates in Xiang Qian border area, on from Guizhou copper kernel, insure to Hunan Jing the 380 of total length remain in, build in Ming Chao Wan all previous 43 years( park 1615), few by extend repair is more rear than Qing Chao Jia Jing finalize the design of , its pillbox wall between year is metre, base wide metres, top wide 1 metres and wall body normally high mostly draw material on the spot with stone, shale build . among fill with confuse stone and soil, step ravine around mountain, complications curved, most of build on precipitous ridge, build on the way have 1232 is used in station troops the flood fortress, village card and sentry post employed by the emperor Chinese Taiwan, pillbox, fort and barrier compartment , close and countless build with stone soldier room, then general garrison armed forces 8000 persons control , now some place names as A La Ying and day star battalion , yellow jointly operate , Wang Po store up battalion , triumph battalion , Qian stone battalion , shake military battalion and ox cup battalion etc. tape the place of battalion word is the main points of garrison troops on the side of the Great Wall.

凤凰古城导游词100字 第17篇

The ancient city of Phoenix, a national historical and cultural city, wasonce praised as one of the most beautiful small cities in China by the famousNew Zealand writer Louis Ailey. It is adjacent to Dehang Miao village in Jishou,Mengdong River in Yongshun and Fanjing Mountain in Guizhou. It is the only waybetween Huaihua, Jishou and Tongren. National Highway 209 and Hunan Guizhouprovincial highway pass through the county. Tongren Daxing airport is only 27kilometers away from the county, with convenient transportation. Phoenix hasbeautiful scenery, long history and many places of interest. Inside the city,the elegant demeanor of ancient city buildings and Ming and Qing ancientcourtyards remains. The ancient and simple Tuojiang River flows quietly. Outsidethe city, there are Nanhua Mountain National Forest Park, Qiliang cave, an artpalace under the city, huangsiqiao ancient city built in the Tang Dynasty, andthe world-famous southern Great wall Here is not only a beautiful scenery, butalso a place of outstanding people, famous and virtuous.

Fenghuang Mountain City, a beautiful small city, is located on the Bank ofTuojiang River, surrounded by mountains and magnificent passes. The green rivermeanders under the ancient city wall, and the verdant foothills of Nanhuamountain reflect the center of the river. Fishing boats count in the river,drums and bells ring in the mountains, the stilted building on the cliff issmoking, and the Huansha girl beside the wharf is laughing Ah, Phoenix is like_a Chinese landscape painting with thick ink and light color_. When you strollthrough the ancient city's stone lined Yanban street, the ancient buildings onboth sides embrace the terrain, row upon row, and the pavilions and pavilionsoverlap, like a dragon flying, like a fish spreading its wings. In the sound ofdrizzle, it seems that the cowhide spiked shoes of pilgrims knock on the street,making people feel isolated

Shen Congwen's former residence is located in nanzhongying street, which isa typical southern Sihe ancient courtyard. There is a small patio in the middleof the ancient courtyard, which is paved with red stone slabs. The courtyard issurrounded by an ancient house of brick and wood structure, with three mainrooms and four wing rooms, a total of more than ten rooms. The house is smalland small. Although there is no carved dragon and painted Phoenix, it is smalland chic with antique flavor. In particular, the carved wooden windows withXiangxi characteristics are particularly eye-catching.

Shen Congwen was born here on December 28, 1902. It was here that he spenthis childhood. The former residence, which lasted more than 100 years, waspurchased by Shen Congwen's grandfather Shen Hongfu. Due to the historicalevolution and several changes of ownership, in order to show respect for the oldman Shen Congwen, we should learn from his self-study spirit of diligentlearning, self-reliance, hard work and outstanding contribution to the nationalliterary cause, so as to inspire future generations. In 1988, the countypeople's government decided to buy back the house and renovate it. He took thedesign to Beijing and sent it to Shen Congwen for approval. Shen Congwen was illand gave opinions on the design. He said: _if the house is rotten, it's betterto repair it, but you have to make do with it. It doesn't cost a lot of hometown is still very poor, so you should try to save as much aspossible._.

After renovation, the hundred year old courtyard reappeared its originalappearance. Now there is a plaque of _Shen Congwen's former residence_ on thedoor. The first room on the right is a photo of Shen Congwen's life, the secondroom is Shen Congwen's manuscripts, and the left wing displays various versionsof his works. Shen Congwen's sketch is hanging in the middle of the main left room is the bedroom, where Shen Congwen was born. The room on the rightdisplays desks with marble tabletops.

Xiong Xiling's former residence is located in an alley in beiwenxing streetof Fenghuang ancient city. 200 meters to the east of his former residence is thebeautiful Tuojiang River. The former residence is a Siheyuan, a southern ancientstyle wooden tile structure, which is relatively small but very exquisite. Theexisting four houses in the former residence are basically the originalappearance, which is rich in Miao flavor. It is a key cultural relic protectionunit in the county. In the summer and autumn of 1917, there was a serious floodin Beijing and Tianjin. He was responsible for supervising the rehabilitation offlood river works, and presided over the fund-raising to relieve the victims. In1918, with the approval of the government, Xiangshan Jingyi garden wastransformed into a children's home for adoption and education of homelesschildren. He was in charge of the hospital for 20__ years. He wrote a poem:

Ten thousand trees and peach blossoms are planted by their own hands.

Children's month and flower are both long, and each of them twists theflower and laughs.

The ancestral hall of Yang family was built in 1836. It is a quadranglecourtyard with wooden structure. It covers an area of 770 square meters andconsists of a gate, a stage, a hall, a gallery and a main hall. The stage is asingle eaves Xieshan, under the eaves decorated with Ruyi Dougong, 16 metershigh, with four pillars carved with dragons and phoenixes. The stage is of theChuandou type, and the main hall is of the beam type. The whole building is offine workmanship and rich in national characteristics. It is a key culturalrelic protection unit of the county.

The ancestral hall of Yang family is located on the wall of the ancientcity in the north east of the county. Prince Shaobao, marquis Guo Yong and YangFang, commander of Zhengan, donated money to build it in 1836. The ancestralhall is composed of gate, stage, pavilion, gallery, main hall and wing room. Itis a typical quadrangle building, covering an area of 770 square meters. Thestage is a single eaves Xieshan, with a structure of crossing a bucket. It is 16meters high, 7 meters wide and 8 meters deep. Under the eaves, it is like a jadebucket arch, and the pillars are carved with dragons and phoenixes. The mainhall is a beam lifting building, and the gable is cat back arch, which isdivided into one bright room, two dark rooms. There are wing rooms on bothsides. The ancestral hall of Yang family is exquisitely designed and made. Thewindow, door and eaves ornaments are carved out. The whole building hasdistinctive national characteristics and high architectural art value.

The southern Great Wall of China is located in the border area of Hunan andGuizhou, from Tongren of Guizhou Province to Baojing of Hunan Province, with atotal length of more than 380 Li. It was built in the 43rd year of Wanli of MingDynasty (Park 1615). After several renovations, it was shaped in the Jiajingperiod of Qing Dynasty. Its blockhouse wall is generally meters high, wide at the base and 1 meter wide at the top. The wall is made of localmaterials, stones and shale. The middle is filled with rocks and mud, windingaround mountains and streams, Most of them were built on steep mountains. Alongthe way, there were 1232 flood fortresses, TUNKA, sentry posts, blockhouses,battery, box, gate and countless stone barracks for garrison. At that time,there were about 8000 garrison troops. Today, some place names such as alaying,tianxingying, huanglianhe, wangpotun, Desheng, qianshiying, Zhenwu, etcNiudouying and other places with the word _Ying_ are the main points of garrisonbeside the Great Wall.

凤凰古城导游词100字 第18篇


大家好!欢迎来凤凰古城做客。现在大家所在的地方,是被新西兰著名作家路易艾黎先生称赞为中国两座最美丽的小城之一的湖南凤凰古城。这里与风景名胜区湘西猛洞河、贵州梵净山毗邻,是湖南怀化、吉首和贵州铜仨三地间的必经之地,是著名作家沈从文的故乡。凤凰风景秀丽,名胜古迹很多,历来是人们游览的胜地,自古就有东岭迎辉、南华叠翠、龙潭鱼火、山寺晨钟、奇峰挺秀、溪桥夜月、兰径樵歌和梵阁回涛等八大景。城内,古代城楼、明清古院和石板小街现在仍是风采依然;城外,南华山圄家森林公园、唐代修建的至今仍保存完好的黄丝桥古城,地下艺术宫殿奇梁洞和神奇的风动岩、壮观的尖多朵瀑布、神秘的高达不峡、三门洞将军岩以及如画的电粮山、凤凰山、象鼻山、天星山、腊乐山都在向您招手, 《边城》、 《湘女萧萧》、 《湘西剿匪记》、 《乌龙山剿匪记》、 《血鼓》、 《粟裕大将》等十多部影视剧也曾在这里拍摄。


凤凰古城导游词100字 第19篇



黄丝桥古城墙上部为锯凿形状,箭垜300个,还有两座外突的炮台。 登上古城头,极目四野,见良田千顷,绿水迂回;斜阳夕照里,炊烟缕缕,一派田园诗韵。若不是黄丝桥古城墙上古旧的箭垜和炮台。谁还会想到,这里曾是西通云贵要塞,刀戟搏击之地呢?

凤凰古城导游词100字 第20篇

大家好! 欢迎大家来到湘西土家族苗族自治州。我很荣幸能当大家的导游,希望我的导游服务能给大家_湘西之旅_留下美好的印象。湘西州属亚热带季风湿润气候,四季分明,气候宜人。资源丰富,民风纯朴,州内山峦叠嶂,林谷深幽,沟壑纵横,溪河交错,自然风光奇特,历史遗存众多,是一处集山水风光、民俗风情、古城风貌、历史文化、名人故里于一体的旅游胜地。改革开放以来,湘西州经济发展、民族团结、社区进步。特别是州委州政府抓住国家实施西部大开发的历史机遇和落实__关于_发展旅游业是湘西最大门路_的重要指示,将旅游业作为全州经济发展的六大带动战略之一,旅游业已成为全州新的经济增长点。

全州目前拥有旅行社11家,星级宾馆13家,旅游车队4家。有枝柳铁路、209、319国道和1801、1828省道高等级公路横贯州域,南有距凤凰28公里的贵州铜仁机场,北有距猛洞河60公里的张家界荷花机场,陆空交通便捷,形成北依张家界,南连梵净山,猛洞河--吉首--凤凰_三点一线_,以名水、名情、名城为特色的旅游业发展格局。大家来湘西旅游,若 缺少了其中的任何一点,那都不是完整的_湘西之旅_。这三大景区特色各异,猛洞河景区以山水风光、土家族历史文化为主,它的主题是与水对话,演绎激情,释放自我。德夯景区以情见长,是一个以奇特优美的自然风光和原始古朴的苗族风情溶为一体的民俗旅游胜地,这里浓郁的民族风情在省内_唯我独有_。凤凰竟区侧以历史文化厚重,被称之为_梦里水乡,远去的家园_。三者共同组成内涵丰富的_湘西之旅_,与张家界优势互补,构成_大湘西之旅_,形成_张家界-猛洞河-吉首-凤凰-铜仁_黄金旅游线。_大湘西_的旅游资源有着其他地区不可比拟的优势。这次大家来到湘西,我们给大家提供的服务是完整的_湘西之旅_。今天前往凤凰游览,宿吉首市内。明天游德夯,再乘车去猛洞河,后天游猛洞河,晚餐后返程。